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cQtherapy's effectiveness and your satisfaction are our top priorities. That's why we value all feedback from our patients. Your feedback drives and motivates us to continuously improve the method.
The measure of truth is effectiveness.
~ Huna

Why they chose a Worldwide cQtherapy Clinic ?

  • 3 000 +
    positive opinions
  • 47 000 +
    treatment sessions
  • 25 yrs
  • Hannah 38 years old Canada
    stone in the kidney
    For the past two days I had been experiencing a terrible pain in my back that was getting worse by the hour. Finding a hospital in Asia on a round trip seemed like madness. I got the contact details for Mr Peter from a travel guide who had used his services more than once. Within minutes of being diagnosed with a kidney stone, the pain began to subside. After repairing the tubules with this method, I completely forgot about it.

  • Kristin 79 ages Newark USA
    ocular hypertension
    After many months of struggling with ocular hypertension, I have already lost hope for improvement. The pain behind my eyes and head became unbearable. Due to constant tearing, darkness in front of my eyes, I could not drive a car. Constant nausea and even vomiting sickened me. I didn't believe that this therapy, and still at a distance, would change anything. Doctors couldn't do anything except for tests. Today I got confirmation. The results were 39 in the right 27 left eye. It is 23 I 21 which is almost normal. Lacrimation pain is gone. This is wnderfull.
  • Marta 43 years old Poland
    All my life I have suffered from migraines, vomiting, low blood pressure, motion sickness and sometimes I was unbalanced. I went to physiotherapy at primary school, but no doctor took me seriously. It wasn't until Peter realised that my crooked spine was the cause of my symptoms. He straightened it and today I am as good as new.
  • Jim Michigan USA
    eye infection
    My wife's eye suddenly became painful. It became red and swollen and she could hardly lift it. Instead of rushing the dozens of miles from the farm to town, I wrote to Mr Peter. He had helped me through several ailments. This time was no different. Hour by hour, day by day, the eye opened wider and I rubbed my eyes in amazement. The man from Europe was faster than any ophthalmologist.
  • Karolina Ages 42 London
    After my third pregnancy, I noticed very unfavourable changes in my body. I was constantly running to the toilet and accidentally losing time. The gynaecologist told me that my uterus was prolapsing and would have to be removed sooner or later. I was terrified. The number of complications after such a procedure scared me. I began to look for other solutions. After a few months of pressure in the pit of my stomach, incontinence and a very noticeable uterus in my vagina, I came to cQtherapy. After a month of therapy, the gynaecologist himself could not believe that my uterus was there. The incontinence stopped. For me, the most important thing is that I have avoided surgery, stitches, pain, queues for tests, needles, hospitalisation, possible complications, rehabilitation, vaginal prolapse, loss of sexuality, fertility - no change in my life and my womanhood. Impossible does not exist :-)
  • Sophia Ages 45 France
    All my life I have been tormented by periods lasting up to two weeks. Permanent anaemia, iron intake. It made my stomach hurt and I ate even less. I often ended up in A&E because I fainted. After Mr Peter's cQ therapy, my periods pass almost unnoticed. One day, after a small spoonful of blood, I had three spotting periods a day. I'm back to life, back to my passion, I don't take time off work. I did not believe it was possible, and now I see the same improvement in my daughter.
  • Zuza Ages 51 Warszawa Poland
    My mother is 74 years old. It started with knee pain. When she already had to take non-stop strong painkillers she was referred for surgery. However, after her treatment with Mr Peter, she is not going under the knife. The knee pain does not even appear when she walks up the stairs :-D The orthopedist is shocked.
  • Dorota 45 Ages New York City
    I was diagnosed with diffuse thyroid nodules. Two of them were removed, but it was only after 4 treatments with Mr Peter's method that the doctors were surprised to find that my thyroid was working properly. I must honestly admit that I was completely sceptical about this therapy. Especially as we are separated by the Pacific Ocean :-) If I didn't know about the previous effects of this therapy on my friends, I would say it was a miracle.
  • Martha 47 Age Germany
    After a few years, my hallux valgus started to wake me up at night with pain. the cramps in my calves and feet were so painful that I would cry out in pain. The doctor only gave me magnesium tablets and a shock wave, which made it even worse. My pain was escalating rapidly. In therapy with Mr Peter, it turned out that my pelvis was to blame. Unbelievably, after the treatments all the pain disappeared and the hallux was miraculously halved. I regret having wasted so much time going back and forth between different specialists. With Mr Peter it took 2 days from report to first relief.
  • Sofia 43 Age Poland
    All my life I have had to deal with migraines, vomiting, high blood pressure, motion sickness and sometimes I was unbalanced. I went to physiotherapy at primary school, but no doctor took me seriously. It wasn't until Peter realised that my crooked spine was the cause of my symptoms. He straightened it and today I am as good as new.
  • Solange 33 Age France
    A few minutes after I hit our car, I started to feel ants in my legs. Then my feet went numb and I could hardly move them. The ants moved up to my knees. After 10 minutes of waiting for the tow truck, I was unable to get out of the car. I immediately wrote to Mr Peter. He has saved my family and children many times in many situations. often when I was thousands of kilometres away from home. That's when things mostly happen :-) He helped me this time too. It turned out that I had a pinched nerve in my sacrum? I could have ended up in a wheelchair, but within a few hours everything was back to normal. The concussion from the accident was also quickly cleared up. Within 24 hours I was as good as new, but unfortunately the car was scrapped.
  • Caroline 56 Age, New York United States
    My symptoms: both hot flushes and sweating or chills are gradually diminishing. Last night (Monday/Tuesday) I only had to turn the duvet inside out to cool down, and the light sweating was only around 7.00am and only on my neck. During the day I also feel the cold less often and less intensely (no shivering). I also came back from a walk with the dog without sweating, probably the first time in 3 months.
    So I think it's getting better, but the annoying symptoms haven't quite gone away yet....
    I'm hoping that "long may it continue" will make it all go away....
  • Justyna Belgium Age 20
    One of my teeth suddenly started hurting for apparently no reason, approximately two years after being treated and sealed by the regular dentist because of some decay. I didn't want to undergo the same procedure again, since the anesthesia has little effect on me and there aren't any recommendable dentist offices in my area, whereas I would need to wait for a long time to get to a skilled doctor. Yet I knew that if the tooth hadn't been taken care of soon, I would have risked root canal treatment. With Piotr's help the pain gradually subsided and ultimately disappeared in a week. The cavity is starting to fill in. I also feel better in general. No painful procedures, no travelling, no meds. Thank you very much!
  • Enrico Age 1  Bali
    For a human, a Scolopendra bite ends in a three-day marathon of survival on morphine. The pain is indescribable.

    So it was that our dog was bitten by a scolopendra during a night walk at the weekend, a few dozen kilometres from the nearest treatment centre. The paw was paralysed within minutes. After a few more, our friend began to have difficulty breathing.
    After the cQtherapy treatment, the dog visibly relaxed and calmed down. His breathing returned, he stopped panting and stopped sticking out his tongue. The paw remained hot and tender for a few hours.

    The next morning, there was no trace of any of these symptoms. The paralysis was gone and Enrico was enjoying his morning run again.
  • Felix Meyer 1 yrs Germany
    The neurologist told me: “This is the last medicine I can give you, but if it doesn’t help, just go to Zborowski. It’s not cheap and it’s very hard to get, but it will definitely help”. He helped. Felix 56 yrs Germany
  • Marianna-Jan Tomczak Olszewski Poland
    Extremely professional specialist, open to new methods of treatment with enormous knowledge and intuition.Thanks to a series of treatments with Mr. Peter already lives without pain.
  • Magdalena Zielińska Age 49 Poland:
    My knee pain had been bothering me for several long months and was getting worse. It was always rattling and creaking like an old woman’s. I couldn’t bend my knee all the way. I couldn’t sit back on my heels. Eventually my heel began to hurt as well. I was determined to do something about it. I am a Pilates instructor. My knee could no longer stop me from working. However, after having injections in my knee at the orthopedic surgeon’s, the relief would last for a short day, sometimes a few, and the pain would return with even greater force. After an analysis with Mr. Peter, it turned out that the cause of my swollen knee was my discopathy and pelvic misalignment. After a series of his treatments, the pain in my knee completely disappeared. Even during his treatments, the knee became less painful and was not swollen. The orthopedist always focused only on my knee and it turned out that the pain was caused by discs in my spine!!! I am very grateful to Mr. Peter because I can work again.
  • Tomasz Kaleta Poland
    Professional to a high degree, nice, friendly and helpful man, culture is Mr. Peter’s trademark, I highly recommend him.
  • Peter Larsen Netherlands
    I had a shift on a sub, I was running and suddenly the ceiling lowered in the engine room and I slammed my helmet into it. I thought my head fell off. My head throbbed horribly, I was dizzy, I had to sleep a lot during the day. I was barely conscious all the time and constantly wanted to throw up. I knew Mr. Peter’s method. After the procedure and he said it was a lightning difficult procedure I felt lightness. My wife says I straightened up. Everything I was feeling was gone. But most interestingly I started to see more widely. And everything became sort of brighter. I didn’t even notice that from the impact I could see everything like in a tunnel.
  • Karolina Wolnik Germany
    If there were more stars, I would give him all the stars possible! Mr. Peter is unique. I never believed too much in medicine of this type… And now I can say that if there was an opportunity to not pay the health premium, if there was a choice to whom we allocate this money would get Mr. Peter!!!! Since elementary school I have been diagnosed too short I can, I do not hide, I am just before 40s, Mr. Peter found that the problem is the pelvic curve. And… trach trach, the leg has the right length A back pain, back pain, migraine and the like have stopped! Knee problem, probable date of surgery- December- trach trach and knee repaired And the orthopedist lady can’t wyjasnicb
    Son 4 years old!!! During the operation he almost fell asleep! So boy relax!!! And I will not elaborate further on the subject of ailments, he began after a few hours after the procedure “fluent” speech. Chest defect eliminated that almost nothing can be seen, and under a thick blouse was already visible degeneration!!!! Husband!!! No doctor, no X-rays, etc. They found nothing!!! Problems with walking, insomnia, migraines, constant back pain, tingling in the limbs, dizziness and many other complaints. 2 appointments and it was over! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help! And to all those who, like me, do not believe, I advise you to make an appointment with Mr. Peter! After only 1 treatment you will surely share my point of view and thinking!!!!
  • Sara Wilson Age 10 United States
    In the afternoon, my daughter came running to me to complain that her brother had pushed her. In the evening her hand was swollen and she could not move it. She cried all evening in pain. An x-ray showed nothing and we were sent to the pharmacy with the sore hand to get painkillers. The next day the pain in her hand was worse and she could not go to school. I had used Mr. Peter’s method before with very positive results and this time I did not hesitate. The next day, after Mr. Peter’s overnight treatment, Sara got up completely without pain and wrote freely in school. The analysis of Mr. Peter’s method showed that the bones in Sara’s hand, although not broken, were displaced. This is what the orthopedist had missed. Thank you again for your help.
  • Peter Age 44 Netherlands
    I had a shift on a sub, I was running and suddenly the ceiling lowered in the engine room and I slammed my helmet into it. I thought my head fell off. My head throbbed horribly, I was dizzy, I had to sleep a lot during the day. I was barely conscious all the time and constantly wanted to throw up. I knew Mr. Peter’s method. After the procedure and he said it was a lightning difficult procedure I felt lightness. My wife says I straightened up. Everything I was feeling was gone. But most interestingly I started to see more widely. And everything became sort of brighter. I didn’t even notice that from the impact I could see everything like in a tunnel.
  • Jose Age 42 from Spain to Bali
    I have been having a headache since this morning around 5 p.m. I felt I had to lie down because I was about to fall. my head was already pulsating. I am on vacation in Bali, thousands of miles away from home and the medical care I know. From my bungalow to the first better hospital is about an hour’s drive over potholes. I could not imagine it in this condition. After about 30 minutes, half of my face, neck and torso began to go numb. I felt sick, like I was going to burn from the fever, my eyes were already glassy. A friend in our pack sent a text message and fortunately an answer came right away. After 10 minutes I felt no more numbness, the headache and dizziness stopped completely in those few minutes. It was an amazing experience. After about an hour the fever was completely gone. I don’t know what it was, if it was some kind of tropical disease or what, but I really don’t know what would have happened to me if it wasn’t for Mr. Peter’s quick and effective help. From now on, I have also written down his emergency number.
  • Karen Age 20 Canada
    I woke up in the morning with a sharp abdominal pain. The cramping was unbearable. I did not leave the bathroom, I had terrible diarrhea. I was covered in sweat and my skin was white like parchment. I did not have the strength to lift a glass of water. My roommate immediately wrote to a chiropractor friend. Within 20 minutes of the treatment, I was playing with my dog and back to work. Mr. Peter, thank you very much and I recommend your help to everyone.
  • Aldona Age 56 Poland
    I got dust in my eye at work. I work in a fodder mixing plant and I rubbed it. In a few days a lump appeared near my eye, it was bloody and I kept scratching it. The ophthalmologist gave me ointments, drops, but nothing helped. Every now and then an itchy boil would grow next to my right eye. I went to all the ophthalmologists in the area. Powders, allergy sprays didn’t work. In one of the queues at the clinic, I heard about Mr. Peter’s method. He was the last resort. I wrote to him and after his treatments the lump in my eye disappeared completely and never came back. It turned out that I was rubbing the parasite into my eye.
  • Olivia Janiak Age 15 Poland
    In my daughter’s gym there were jumps over a box. Olivia jumped but fell hard. After that she could not stand up. She came home with a temperature of 37.5 degrees. She said she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t take in air. For several weeks, I ran from doctor to doctor, all of them giving her every antibiotic they could. After consuming a closet full of these medications, digestive problems appeared and Olivia would not stop choking. Since the doctor had already run out of antibiotics, he recommended Mr. Peter to me. After the first treatment, it was discovered that the cause was dislocated breasts and ribs that were pressing on the lungs. Even then my daughter straightened up, the fever finally went down right after the procedure and my daughter started breathing normally. I have tears in my eyes as I write these thanks to the Lord for helping me and I will always be thankful for saving my child.
  • Emma Watson 2 months England
    I am so grateful to Mr. Peter. Our little daughter stopped sucking on the breast overnight. We tried all methods but she stopped sucking completely. She didn’t eat or drink for days. She cried non-stop, nothing could calm her down. We didn’t sleep for several nights. The doctors were completely helpless and wanted to feed her through a tube inserted into her intestine. Mr. Peter responded immediately when I wrote. It turned out that the daughter’s head had been twisted at birth and was pressing on her brain. A few hours after the surgery, she slowly began to move her mouth as if she wanted to eat. She slept for a very long time and stopped straining. Today she is 4 years old. If it wasn’t for Mr. Peter, I don’t know what would have happened to her. Thank you very much.
  • Paul Age 49 Germany
    I was on a hunting trip with the boys. The equipment alone weighed 20 kilos and we were still carrying game. It was cold in the morning and it was getting colder. In the morning a sharp pain in the left shoulder, both hands are in pain. My right ankle is very sore because I tripped in the forest. My lower back hurt. After the first treatment everything went away and after two more treatments the pain in my hands went away.
  • Lucas Age 45 United States
    I have been a full-time IT professional for over 15 years. I have been going to the best massage therapist recommended to me in my town for many years, but for half a year we have not been able to control my dizziness and numbness in my left hand. 2 years ago, I fell from a pulpit and hung my left hand. Since then, I have had sensory problems in both hands, working with a mouse for many years, my fingers were constantly shooting. After the treatments with Mr. Peter, it went away like a hand.
  • Marzena Age 56 Poland
    6 years ago I fell on the edge of a curb and injured my right knee. It swelled up in my eyes. In the hospital they made only an X-ray, after 4 years they made my first ultrasound of the knee. During this time, steroids, cryotherapy, the doctor found a lack of synovia and gave me hyaluronic acid injections. There were moments when I cried out in pain. The orthopedist recommended compresses of heated lard and cabbage. For several years, I also had excruciating pain in my left shoulder. Both ankles were sprained repeatedly, and I was in and out of pain. I couldn’t get out of it. Mr. Peter regenerated the tissues of my knee, and although the doctors said that surgery was necessary and that there was no way that this knee would not hurt, the knee no longer hurts as much, and I have already forgotten about the ankles. The left shoulder, however, requires constant monitoring due to office work and severe changes in my neck, but it does not hurt.
  • Jolanta Age 49 Poland
    After a lot of stress 10 years ago, I stopped sleeping. I could sleep only 4 hours a night. In addition, 20 years ago I fell on ice and injured my wrist, which after an open fracture grew badly and was re-fractured, then operated. At night, my hands tore with every change in the weather. According to Mr. Peter, my stress strained my neck, damaged my spine, and that took away my sleep. After the surgeries, sometimes my thumb would only hurt a little. I finally started to sleep normally for more than 6 hours and feel sleepy.
  • Elizabeth Age 55 United States
    I have had headaches for many years. Despite taking a lot of medication, they would not go away. I started therapy with Peter and after six months I forgot about them. Until, during an examination in the hospital, the doctor mixed up my medication dosages and it started again. For years, doctors told me to stop drinking because my liver was in a tragic state of cirrhosis and steatosis. And I took only the recommended medications. After six months of Peter’s therapy, I did liver tests. The doctor said he had not seen such good results in 8 years.
  • Hanna Age 43 Denmark
    Ever since I can remember I had motion sickness, I always vomited in every car, bus, ship. It ruined every excursion, trip, vacation and limited my activities with friends. Everything was always blamed on the vagus nerve: “That can’t be fixed. Well, what do you want, many people have it and that’s it :-(“. After one treatment with Mr. Peter, all the symptoms on the bus, in the car, on the plane, on the swings at the fair, on the boats are gone. It’s like I have a second life because my husband loves to sail
  • Hans Age 46 Germany
    10 years ago I broke both my legs after a fall on the slopes. I had terrible pain in my lower back and pelvis. After walking 500 meters I had to rest and sit down. Several times a month I had massages with Tramal, but still I came to Mr. Peter when I was shoveling snow, felt pain in my back and could not move. After a week the sharp pain was gone, and now the pain in my lower back and pelvis only appears when I go crazy on the bike.
  • Torben Age 37 Denmark
    I broke out in a cold sweat, felt weak and dizzy. I even had to stop the car immediately because the world was spinning. My skin was white like paper. After such an attack, I walked around for a few hours as if I had been beaten with a shoe. The ground rippled and my calves felt like pudding. A CT scan of my head showed lesions that no one understood, an ECG of my head went crazy, anxiety appeared, but no one had any idea what to do about it for 10 years. My symptoms became more and more frequent. Then I came to Mr. Peter with acute back pain. And it turned out that it was possible to get out of it.
  • Sylwia Age 39 Florida
    Istarted my dream vacation in Florida with a broken seventh tooth:-( After Mr. Peter’s intervention, it stopped hurting after three days. When I went to my dentist a month later, he just took one look at it and said that without a root canal it would be impossible. He unraveled it and could not be surprised, root canal was not necessary, nerve was regenerated!
  • Helen Age 58 United States
    I was diagnosed with gout. I was constantly burning my buttocks right where you sit, I could not even sit on the toilet. The pain in my lower back and groin did not go away despite several months of injections. The problem was only getting worse. Due to an old sports injury, it was impossible to kneel on the knee. After therapy with Mr. Peter, everything was fine. My knee only bothers me when I work in the garden.
  • Bożena Age 49 Holland
    Before I met Mr. Peter, I always had dark circles under my eyes, sometimes I was heavily buzzed, constantly humming in my ears and in my left ear it was ringing and could ring like church bells. After one hour of sleep I would wake up and that was 8 times a night. My husband laughed that I slept like a newborn baby, curled up like that, because otherwise I could not fall asleep. Mr. Peter immediately pointed out my widow’s hump and it turned out that I have a spinal cord lesion, after the therapy the rocking noises and dark circles disappeared, I sleep normally, God what a relief.
  • Sarah Age 60 France
    After having dental implants, the dentist didn’t see any problem and I had terrible pain in my gums and teeth. I was constantly biting my cheek. I felt a very uncomfortable strong spreading in my upper seven. The corner of my mouth was drooping, I had no feeling in my upper lip, the tip of my tongue was numb. With the help of Mr. Peter, all these discomforts disappeared. Every now and then, only the feeling of pressing the seventh in the gum is repeated. Even the corner of my mouth lifted slightly.
  • Irma Age 39 Mexico
    Mr. Peter’s website was recommended to me by a friend from Poland who used his help. A white, hard lump appeared on my upper eyelid. I was afraid to do anything with it because it was an eye. Two weeks after the procedure, just as Mr. Peter said, my body got rid of the white lump by itself. The skin on it broke and the lump was easily pushed off my eyelid.
  • Kathrine Age 35 Nepal
    It happened when I bit the skin near my finger. A big chunk of my finger was torn off. I was on a trip in Nepal. No chance of seeing a dentist, and there wasn’t even time for a tooth reconstruction. But that wasn’t the worst of it. My tooth started to hurt strangely at the gum, I could feel every bite of food. It felt like it was going to split in half. I wrote on the wats app to cQtherapy as recommended by another traveler. Mr. Peter confirmed that the tooth had longitudinal microfractures that would split it in half. But after a week the strange feeling passed and the tooth did not fall out. I was afraid to do anything to it so it wouldn’t fall out, but now I can go for reconstruction.
  • Jacob Age 11 Poland
    My little son loves football. He has already played in several clubs and learned the techniques. Bad luck was that he slipped in the backyard during the game and unfortunately jumped over a colleague. When he fell, he injured his knee, which began to swell and hurt. I immediately contacted Peter, whose help I had used more than once. He was on a trip at the time, but he responded immediately. I do not know exactly what he does, but in spite of thousands of kilometers, my son came back after two hours without a grimace of pain and said that the knee was probably all right. The knee therapy lasted about 2 more weeks and we missed the unpleasantness of queuing in hospitals.
  • Hanna Age 39 Poland
    It was during the pandemic. It was impossible to get to a doctor anywhere, and a lump appeared on my breast and I felt a lump inside that started to grow. I immediately wrote to cQtherapy. The same day my cycle of sessions began. I was terrified, but day by day my breast returned to normal. When I managed to get to the doctor two weeks later, he was shocked when I showed him a photo from the first day of therapy. He could find absolutely nothing on the ultrasound, even though there was still an indentation on the skin. My husbend also. Heart stone
  • Patrik Harris Age 38 Australia
    During another voyage on a container ship, I got a very bad pain in my knee. It was so bad that I could not keep watch on the bridge. I called my father, who put me in touch with Mr. Peter. He diagnosed during my cruise that the discs in my spine had died. After a few days of his treatments, although I didn’t even get a chance to hear him :-), all the pain was gone. I don’t believe in hocus pocus and I’m not going to call this a miracle. The guy just has a special talent.
  • Augustine Age 53 Poland 2 months
    I was lying in bed and my leg was numb. My foot did not roll up and I could not walk. I went from surgeon to surgeon, from block to block, and it got worse every day. Every now and then it felt like the leg was being electrocuted. I went through all kinds of physical therapy, the orthopedic surgeon wanted me on the table right away, the neurologist said it was not necessary yet, and Mr. Peter claimed there was a problem with a kind of ponytail and made me realize it was probably the result of a flip on a snowboard. After Mr. Peter’s treatments, the sharp pain went away within two months and there was such an improvement that I was able to walk and work normally. The circumference of my dead calf also slowly returned to normal.
  • Andrew 45 years old Poland
    I fainted from pain. The hospital diagnosed me with acute cholecystitis. The doctors wanted to remove my gallbladder and its ducts, where the stones were stuck. Painkillers did not help. I was in the hospital several hundred miles from home, in pain, and the doctors had a reason to delay the surgery. I called Peter at night, I had been dying of pain for three days. After his intervention, the pain was completely gone and I didn’t even get on the table. The doctor was in acute shock that such an inflammation had disappeared so suddenly. Repeated examinations showed that there were no more stones in the ducts and the operation was unnecessary. I came out the next day with no pain, no fever, no stitches and no stones:-))))
  • Grazia Mund 55 years old Germany
    When I went to Mr. Peter for an analysis, I had very strong pains in my calves, my shoulders like stones. It happened that I had blackness in front of my eyes, very black. My head flew forward by itself. After that I was tired for 24 hours. I was accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and a spreading heat at the bottom of my spine. The analysis showed me that when I was hit with a metal pin and a hammer in the pelvic and leg areas during a physical therapy session a few years earlier, it blocked the work of my pelvis and spine. It led me further into unnatural work in my spine and these symptoms. It took a very long time to undo these negative changes and repair the ones I went to the physiotherapist with. But it was worth it, today I live without pain.
  • Kristina 65 years old Sweden
    After being diagnosed with paresthesias all over my body, I visited many different offices, EEG tomography, nothing came up in the tests, I only got help from Mr. Peter in the virtual clinic. I’ve had migraine since I was a child, for one year I had strong rotations and a feeling of being in a black pit. He treated the migraines after several treatments, it took several months to finally remove the paresthesia from the tips of my hands and feet. I also now know that my problems started at the age of 6 when I fell on my face in the sand and a boy rode his bike over my occipital area until he tore off the skin. I also know now why I don’t like the beach.
  • Cecilia Age 56 England
    In the middle of Christmas cleaning, I got lumbago. The grandchildren were almost at the door and I was bent in half like an old woman. Quick contact with Mr. Peter and after two days I was flying like a bird.
  • Justyna 19 years old Poland 1 session
    My daughter woke up with a chalazion on her upper eyelid. Before the era of treatments at Peter’s, I would probably go crazy with brewing skylight, rubbing with gold and sticking a needle in my blouse. Now I just send a message and after three hours there was no trace of the chalazion.
  • Curt 46 years old England 1 session
    Just before the concert I hurt my thumb, I couldn’t move it. The tickets were sold out, the audience was full, the guys were ready and I couldn’t touch the strings because of the pain. They brought a guy from home just for me. 2 hours non-stop, he set up my folded hand, accelerated the healing, so I played the concert to the end. Magic.
  • Monica 13 years old Canada 2 sessions
    Monica lifted the box and her neck started to hurt. When she turned to the right it hurt more. She even cried, so the pain must have been severe. I immediately wrote to cQ. Repaired neck muscles, pelvis and the pain is gone, as if by hand.
  • Sophia 70 years old Poland 1 month
    They put a whole knee implant in my knee. I couldn’t walk. The left one was so painful that it had to set first before I could even stand up. The doctors told me to have the other knee replaced. I didn’t want one – I’m old, and that right knee could only support me so much. What if they were both “right”? After the treatments I felt 10 kilos lighter in my left knee, only a little itchy and painful after sitting for a long time or carrying large purchases. I am waiting for the next treatments with high hopes for a complete healing of the pain.
  • Halina 67 years old Poland 2 weeks by hand
    I have always been a cold woman. I have to warm my left hand with lamps or hot water from time to time. I was always cold and my feet were like ice. My hand was always numb and cold. I don’t know how Mr. Peter did it, but I am finally warm. The hand finally got warm, the fingers no longer resembled cheeseburgers.
  • Martha Mytz 72 years old Germany 3 months
    I was given a medicine for reflux. Now I know that the maximum you can take it is two weeks, I was told to take it for four months. After that my wrist started to hurt and the doctor said it was drug-induced carpal tunnel. But since it was drug induced, they couldn’t do anything about it. After three months the hand works without pain. For me, the most important thing is that there are no drugs.
  • Dominic 16 years 5 months Germany
    Son trains karate, no one knew why he had pain in his lower back for a year and a half. He walked sleepy all the time. His neck had been hurting for a year because someone had twisted it on the mat. The doctor found Reyno’s symptom in his hands. It turned out that almost all the symptoms were post-traumatic. After therapy with Mr. Peter, his son stood up straight, his hands have normal color, he no longer needs to sleep during the day, his dizziness is gone. The chronic diarrhea is gone.
  • Johanna Beck 54 years old Germany 1 month
    Mr. Peter saved my life. After the injection I had to quit my job. For three months, my head was flailing at the back of my head as if a nail had been driven into my occipital bone. I felt pressure in my ears and in my throat. Pressure in my left eye blurred my vision a few times I collapsed I felt unsteady walking. I have hardly slept since the vaccine. I could barely sleep 20 minutes a night and would wake up with a terrible headache. It felt like something was stuck in the back of my head, and I couldn’t take a deep breath for two months. Sometimes my muscles and even my whole body would shake. I had never had headaches before. I went to six doctors, one professor told me to wear a collar, but it was worse, no one helped me except Mr. Peter. Before the incident I was full of energy, after the incident I was a wreck of a person. After the first treatment I finally slept through the night, the tension in my neck and throat went away, I finally started breathing normally. I slept without interruption for almost two days. After the next one, my headaches were 70% gone, twitching, pressure in my throat and ears, I walk straight. I can see quite well.
  • Aldona Reszko 45 years old Poland 1 session
    after cleansing my liver with Mr. Peter’s method in the morning I finally went to the toilet, I couldn’t believe what kind of bug came out of me. I am so grateful that everything has been regulated. The side stopped hurting.
  • Annette Jensen 40 years old Denmark 1 month
    My knees have always hurt, but for the last six months when I sat down I could not get up, I could not squat. An ultrasound of my knees showed 50% cartilage loss, after plasma injection there was a slight improvement for a bit. After the treatment with Mr. Peter’s method the pain in my knees disappeared completely, I have energy to live again, I drink coffee only for pleasure. It was only because Mr. Peter forced me to have an x-ray of my neck that I found out that the accident, which I had long forgotten about, had caused a lot of problems in my health and that is why I was always sleepy.
  • Irina Voznyak 33 years old Ukraine
    My work requires me to stay in the same position for long hours. This causes back pain for me and my professional clients. After I had a baby, it got even worse. New pains appeared in my ribs. It got to the point that only painkiller injections helped me. My elbows hurt so much that I had to sleep with them straight. I had constant pain in my neck, my whole back, and occasionally headaches. My neck would shoot up on its own at the slightest movement of my head. It was agonizing. I finally managed to see Peter. After the treatments I felt that even my teeth were straighter The dreams that were killing me let go and I finally woke up healthy.
  • Grazyna Wojnak 78 years 8 months Poland
    Mom has not been able to walk alone for five years. Only with someone else’s help and care. She sweated profusely and for the past six months she woke up in the morning drenched in sweat. She complained of an unbearable tightness in her right neck and very severe pain in her sacrum. After the therapy with Mr. Zborowski, the sweat has completely disappeared and she no longer needs to be guided by hand when she goes anywhere. The biggest success is that she can go for a walk with a friend and walk independently. She speaks and you can see that she is more confident in her body.
  • Anna
    Even for the doctors who looked after our daughter, it was a miracle.
  • Irmina Wolf 42 l 2 months Germany
    5 years The feeling of metal bars being driven into my head has never left me. For 15 years I would get up after a shallow sleep with a flurry of thoughts and tired. Excruciating pain in my entire left arm, down to my shoulder blade, made it impossible for me to hold a paintbrush or pencil. After two months of therapy with Mr. Zborowski, my head was cool without the wire. My shoulders were softer. After a year, I returned after straining my arm. My head hung like a hair, I had the feeling of a severed neck – God forbid I move it. After a month the symptoms disappeared.
  • Elizabeth Watson 50 years old Canada Therapy 2 months
    All my life my feet were cold as ice. My hands, my whole body was always ossified from the cold. The cold in my torso, I was like parched. Mr. Zborowski found the cause in my spine and kidneys. Today I do not wear socks to sleep and to keep warm.
  • Sara Fritz England 39 years old 4 treatments
    After a night of terrible pain in my sacrum. My lumbar pain would not allow me to stand up. Changing my mattress didn’t help. I was stiff all over. My hands, palms, and fingers were swollen, and no one knew why. My whole left arm and shoulder was numb. Everything was gone.
  • Olga Kirchner Sweden 62 years old 2 sessions
    For a year and a half my forehead hurt for the better part of a month, even 4 times a week. Nothing and no one could help me. A few weeks before the treatment the pain woke me up at 4 in the morning, only aspirin helped for a while. After two treatments the pain was completely gone and never came back.
  • Ursula Katz 20 years old United States 2 sessions
    After a visit to the dentist, my tooth still hurt. I turned to Mr. Piotr Zborowski for help. I was very surprised to learn that the cause of my toothache was brain damage. The next day my tooth stopped hurting. As recommended, I am now going to the dentist for a filling.
  • Kazimierz Polak 65 years old Poland 5 treatments
    I have been suffering from sciatica for more than 40 years. I learned from Mr. Piotr that it may have started when I fell from a ladder when I was young, and then I fell down the stairs. It was unbelievable that after 40 years of agony in my own body, Mr. Piotr finally restored my joy of life in five treatments.
  • Nora Sanders 59 years old Australia 6 sessions
    Before coming to see Mr. Peter a month earlier, I had fallen down the stairs, head down, on my back, clumsily propping myself up with my hand. When my son saw the cut on my side he immediately called the emergency room, they found nothing broken and sent me home. I was in more and more pain. I had headaches, shoulder pain, my pelvis was swollen like a pansy, my hallux hurt at night. I was 80% better after the first treatment.
  • Jackson Harris 59 years old United States 11 treatments
    All vitality left me, I had no strength for anything for a long time, I had no strength to live. My whole body was heavy like lead. I slept for 2 hours at most and then tortured myself until morning. I felt nails in the back of my head. Now it’s okay and I sleep until morning. After the first few treatments I felt light and was able to walk again.
  • Greta Brown 53 years old United States 20 treatments
    I have always had cold hands until my nails turned blue. I had a cold all over my body inside. I also always had low blood pressure. The doctor said it was because of my beauty. I couldn’t believe it when, after cQ treatments, not only the stiffness between my shoulder blades of several years disappeared, but also “my cold beauty”
  • Andżelika Karisson 55 years old Sweden Therapy: 3 months
    For the last 5 years I have been taking care of my recumbent mother. After lifting her, my leg fell off my hip
    With Zborowski’s therapy, my headaches, endless bladder infections and leg pains disappeared, even my digestion improved. I still have to carry my mother, so now I use Mr. Peter’s help regularly.
  • Grażyna Taubann 64 years old United States
    Dear Peter, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me, my family and my friends. If it hadn't been for you, I think I would have gone mad with these headaches. I don't know how you do it, but every time, even though I've finally moved to another continent :) Your treatments still work.
  • Mia Cat 12 years old England 1 session
    My beloved cat started to "sing" in pain at night, she was peeing little :-( Vet could not see much as it is impossible to catch her peeing normally. After one session at night when I came back from work she did all the right things and peed and pooped. She is better, much better :-D
  • Ewelina Pyć 40 years old Poland Therapy: 4 months
    Ewelina Pyć 40 years old Poland Therapy: 4 months
    For 20 years, since university, I have had migraines with vomiting for three days in a row. I couldn't afford to be away from work for long as I manage a whole team. My neck ached and burned. My heart was burning and my ECG was fine. My symptoms were linked to tension at work, my head was examined in every way at the hospital and they just said it was a normal migraine and that was the way it should be. After Mr Zborowski's chiropractic treatment I drove 600 km and had no pain. I was able to drink alcohol at a team building meeting, which is unusual for me. Huge positives in my life! I sleep better I am less affected by the opinions of others at work :-)
  • Peter Sarracosa Canada 38 years
    I used to go everywhere with a handkerchief, I had a stuffy nose all the time, allergies gave me no peace of mind in winter or summer. After the alignment of the bones in my skull and the Zborowski Chiropractic Sinus Therapy I have 80% less runny nose and the allergies are not as bad. Amazing different coloured things come out after the sessions :-D
  • Andrew 49 years
    I have indulged in alcohol for many years. I am an AA. There came a time when my liver stopped working. After therapy with Mr Peter, the doctor couldn't believe such good test results.
  • Monique Baum United States 45 y
    Several treatments for haemorrhoids that kept growing back. It turned out that it was caused by a fall on a sled, then my coccyx became horizontal. After Mr Peter's treatment the haemorrhoids were completely absorbed, the bleeding, the pain disappeared, I did not tell you this but my husband is also satisfied. The pain during intercourse has also disappeared :-)
  • Peter Suk 44 years
    Stomach pains and stabbing after eating, headaches, constant feeling of being full, absolutely nothing came out of the tests, gastroscopy also nothing. The antibiotic treatments hardly worked for a while, then it got worse. It wasn't until Mr Peter noticed that there were tears in my stomach.
  • Eleonora Grap 55 yrs
    I used to end up in the bushes, in hospital with a bruise and a twisted ankle, my skull was examined and nothing happened. Peter said my neck was out of joint and fixed it. When we moved it really got worse, after two weeks it went away, then it was very sporadic. I now use Mr Peter's neck alignment method regularly. Interestingly, no doctor has ever taken an interest in my neck.
  • Jolanta 38 yrs Canada 1 treatment
    My heels began to crack, the last few months have been a real ordeal. Creams, ointments, acids, professional treatments, when they brought relief, it was only for a while. One treatment with Mr. Peter and my heels are visibly smoother, the grooves are shallower. I am very happy that no new cracks are appearing.
  • Martha 34 yrs United Kingtom
    After my last 3 pregnancies, I noticed that something in my uterus was slipping out. The doctor said that I had a lowering of my organs and that they might one day remove my uterus. It was a shock. I found so many complications after that. My mother's friend recommended Mr. Peter and today everything is fine.
  • Sonia 20 yrs Belgium
    I started my dream job in a stable and got a nasty allergy. After a week of treatment there was no trace of it and it is not coming back :-)
  • Man 41 yrs Unites States
    I felt Mr. Peter pulling specifically on something in my leg in the middle of the night...next time it would be appropriate to experience such sensations at rest (i.e. in sleep). ☺️
    It may be that I felt it so strongly at night (because it felt 'long' all the way down my leg).

    The sensations were only felt in the joint when the physiotherapist checked me today to see how the mobility itself looked today. It was like everything inside was different/changed. Until I gave him a hard time about turning the wrist myself... and he left....

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