What is cQtherapy?

The chiropractic cQtherapy method

  • Nikola Tesla used to say, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
    The science of radionics believes that living organisms are made up of three fundamental constituents: matter, energy and information. Our everyday world can be defined as a series of interactions between vibrations and electromagnetics of different frequencies. Scientists have already confirmed that the human body generates an electromagnetic field that extends to about 5 meters and interacts with other electromagnetic fields in its immediate environment. Have you ever sensed someone in a room even though you didn’t see them coming in?
    For example, research by the HeartMath Institute has shown that biomagnetic fields generated by the heart may be the main mechanism mediating the synchronization of heart rate variability among group members. The experiment examined heart-brain synchronization between pairs of participants separated by a distance of 5 feet. It was discovered that the brain waves of one participant were able to synchronize with the heartbeats of another. There are already thousands of such scientific examples.
    During more than 25 years of his certified practice in chiropractic, psychology and osteopathy, Piotr Zborowski, the author of the chiropractic cQtherapy methods, has developed a method of conscious, directional and willful interaction between electromagnetic fields located thousands of kilometers away.

    “Quantum phenomena don’t just occur in mobile phones and computers, but also inside our neurons, which are responsible for creating our image of reality” ~ Miroslaw Kozlowski, Asst. Prof, Ph.D., ITE in Warsaw.

    Quantum physics, a rapidly growing field of contemporary science, has brought answers to many questions about the functioning of the world around us. It has also proven the theory that everything in the universe is made up of elementary particles that are the “building blocks” of all matter. They also make up our morphic fields. The concept of morphic fields was first introduced by embryologist Alexander Gurwitsch in XXw. Morphic fields are carriers of information about our state: our thoughts, emotions, the state of balance of our body, as well as our current state of health. Have you ever thought about someone and then they called at that very moment? Have you ever said the exact same word as another person at the very same time?

Before you watch this video, here’s some food for thought – if you want to drill a hole in the wall, you do not have to be the inventor of the drill and know all the tool’s technical details. It does suffice that you know the basics like how to operate the device.
prof. Andrzej Dragan Eistein was wrong!
Quantum mechanics and the decline of the old physics.
  • About Piotr Zborowski's cQtherapy method's

    "Any disorganization of these elementary particles is referred to as a pathological state / change. Unfortunately, commonly used diagnostics and laboratory imaging techniques are limited by their physical construction and cannot spot such changes at a quantum level. Results of an analysis carried out using the chiropractic cQtherapy method may differ radically from a diagnosis given by medical specialists. Our method analyzes not only a part of the body affected by inflammation or pain, but entire assemblies of tissues and conjugated systems. In the process of chiropractic cQtherapy, elementary particles are reorganized so that they return to a state that is compatible with the anatomy and functionality of the issue being treated. The duration of this restorative process depends on the severity of the disease and the degree of tissue degeneration i.e. the disintegration of molecules in the system. Energy knows no boundaries, time or space. Hence, the treatment can be performed on any person, anywhere in the world, without the need to physically meet with the patient” – Piotr Zborowski, creator of the chiropractic cQtherapy method.

    The cQtherapy method is a noninvasive, painless therapeutic art of restoring balance in the body. This signature method has allowed us to achieve excellent results with treating a variety of ailments, including those that are considered difficult to treat or even untreatable via conventional medical therapy.
    The main purpose of the cQtherapy method is to restore the natural physical and mental balance inside living organisms, humans and animals alike, as this determines how they function and live. We achieve this natural organic balance by stimulating the self-regulation and self- regeneration centers of living organisms; and all this in accordance with the principles of quantum physics. This way, each organ, group of organs and entire organ systems in the human or animal body can be stimulated for regulation and regeneration. We are talking bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, as well as the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine, lymphatic, and reproductive systems, and others as well.
    The effectiveness of Piotr Zborowski’s signature method has been confirmed by thousands of cases around the world. Check the cQopinions.

What makes cQ therapy so successful?

holistic balance in every layer
The Yin & Yang causal layer
the causal layer beyond the physical senses
At the causal level one can find disturbances of the two forces known as Yin and Yang, exactly what they symbolise. The effects of these disturbances in the lower levels are diseases in the physical body and events in reality. Man vibrating in these disturbances creates conflicts with the environment and physical illness. This has its effects, e.g. in the physical body, pain in the lumbar spine. The consequences of these effects are usually followed by other effects, e.g. knee pain, etc. In this way a huge number of disorders and burdens are created through incarnations. Many people try to purify their incarnations, their "karma" and their relationships with others, but the effect is very short-lived. The causal planes continually create new disturbances. The cQ therapy treatment removes these records from the causal and physical levels.
Intermediate layers
the spiritual layer: etheric astral mental body beyond the physical senses
As indicators from the causal level are balanced with the physical body, other levels are initiated to reorganise. This process proceeds harmoniously with the progressive reduction of the causes and symptoms of disease in the physical body.
Layer of the physical body
the physical layer perceived by the senses: touching, smelling, seeing, hearing, tasting.
During a cQtherapy treatment, the tissues of the physical body (bones, muscles, joints, circulatory system, organs) are stimulated by the therapist to reposition, digest tissue pathologies or restore biomechanical and biochemical balance in real time according to the DNA matrix of the organism concerned. As in the case of micro-correction of the orientation of torn muscle fibres or tendons, regeneration of brain tissue, liver, etc.
  • How does the cQtherapy method work?

    First of all, we would like to start by explaining how the chiropractic cQtherapy method does not work. Certainly, this therapy has NOTHING to do and should not be confused with the following:
    transmission of energy, bioenergetic therapy, laying on of hands, Reiki, the Silva Method, the Two-Point Method, wishes, magic, religion, spells, charms, altering one’s mind, influencing the will, etc.
  • The cQtherapy method does NOT use:

    candles, incense, minerals, herbs, powders, luminous liquids, wands and other artifacts.
  • Important

    Please note that chiropractic cQtherapy, Piotr Zborowski’s proprietary, causal therapy, removes causes of bodily dysfunctions at their source rather than just erasing their symptoms.
    The method requires extensive knowledge in the fields of anatomy, physiology and psychology. This is why only certified therapists use the cQtherapy method. The use of this method requires undergoing a specialized education and the acquired skills are confirmed by appropriate certificates and diplomas certified by the author of the method, Piotr Zborowski. Only certified therapists can use the cQtherapy method in therapy in a professional and safe manner.
    Piotr Zborowski chiropractic cQtherapy method: Asia, Africa, North America, Central America, South America, Europe.
    Anna Wlodarczyk, chiropractic cQtherapy method: Europe

    The chiropractic cQtherapy method should not be considered a medical practice. It is not intended for continuous treatment, diagnosis or the prevention of diseases in accordance with the assumptions of the science of medicine and is not part of its procedures. It should not be considered a substitute for medical consultation, diagnosis or treatment. Always ask your doctor for advice.

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