cQtherapy to help the horse
Helping animals with cQtherpy chiropractic
Recreational horse 6 years old, symptoms:
  1. notorious for throwing his head up every few minutes as if to throw something off
  2. behaviour similar to a man whose collar is too tight or something is choking him
  3. considerable restlessness, constant agitation, increased anxiety
Quantum Chiropractic Causal Analysis:
  1. notorious for throwing his head up every few minutes as if to throw something off.
  2. behaviour similar to a man whose collar is too tight or something is choking him.
  3. considerable restlessness, constant agitation, increased anxiety
Chiropractic Causal see-meeQuantum Analysis:
  1. significant displacement of the vertebrae in the upper part of the neck, especially the first cervical vertebra and the head in relation to the neck.
  2. Indirect compression of the spinal nerves
  3. stress on the head and neck nervous system
  4. condition is probably post-traumatic - horse has hit something with its head or someone has pulled very hard and fast on the harness.
Quantum Chiropractic Therapy includes:
  1. correction of the alignment of the head and upper vertebrae - this took quite a long time due to the degree of misalignment
  2. after the correction the horse stopped tossing his head, became calmer, the timidity remained, which may indicate post-traumatic trauma.
*The whole process was preceded by a see-meeQuantum causal analysis according to the author's method by Piotr Zborowski.
*The entire process of causal regeneration using the Quantum method of chiropractic, according to the method of the author Piotr Zborowski, took place over a distance of 500 km in the patient's box, without the need to transport the patient or wait in the stable for the therapist to arrive.

Without the use of a scalpel, without post-operative rehabilitation and without the pain and trauma associated with surgery. The whole process took place in a friendly, homely and familiar atmosphere while the horse was at rest.
MARCH, 26 / 2022

Text author: Anna Włodarczyk
Peter Zborowski cQtherapy
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